



Interested in joining the American Legion Auxiliary?


Auxiliary Eligibility


If you have a relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of the American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary.  However, if the qualifying veteran is deceased you may join even if the qualifying veteran was not a member of the American Legion when living.  Girls under 18 years old with the same eligibility can join the Junior Auxiliary.  It is a great program and allows them to join in helping our Veterans and assisting with events.

Complete the application and include the required documentation to proudly join the AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT 208.  Yearly membership is $30.00 (Senior)/$6.00 (Junior).

Eligible Relatives

  1. Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, daughters, granddaughters, and adopted daughters of members of The American Legion; and


  1. Grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, daughters, granddaughters, and adopted daughters of all men and women who served in either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918 and any time after December 7, 1941 who, being a citizen of the United States at the time of their entry therein served on active duty in the Armed Forces of any of the governments associated with the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; and


  1. grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, daughters, granddaughters, and adopted daughters of all men and women who were in the Armed Forces of the United States during either of the following periods: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; and any time after December 7, 1941 who served on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during either eligibility periods and died in the line of duty or after honorable discharge; and


  1. to those women who of their own right are eligible for membership in The American Legion.  A woman who is eligible for American Legion membership is eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary regardless of whether or not she is a member of The American Legion. However, eligibility of her female relatives (sister, mother, direct descendants) and/or spouse depends upon her membership in The American Legion.

Required Documentation

Proof of membership in the American Legion and a copy of their DD-214 (discharge paper) for those who served in the Armed Forces.  If the qualifying veteran is deceased, it is not a requirement to have been a member of the American Legion.  You must submit a DD-214 (discharge paper) and a copy of their death certificate.  

Click on: (National) or (State) for online details.